August 2023 Commencement Event Staff Registration
August 12, 2023 | Marsh Hall East Lawn

9 a.m. | Graduate & Professional Programs Ceremony

Commencement isn't possible without a great event team!

Thank you for your interest in lending a hand at the August 12, 2023 Commencement Ceremony. The commencement committee sincerely hopes that employees will enjoy being a part of making the ceremony a success and the committee will do everything possible to make sure that you have a fun and rewarding experience. Assisting with commencement and being a part of this special day for the Pacific community is one of the most rewarding experiences. 

Your volunteerism is greatly appreciated. Just when you thought things couldn't get any better, snacks will be provided. 

Please include your contact information, if you're cleared to drive a university vehicle, and if you have any task/role preferences. Event staff are needed to assist with guest seating, shuttle driving, guest support, and countless other ways. Someone from the commencement committee will follow up regarding your preferred volunteer shifts and possible assignments. 

Please note: if you are an hourly or non-exempt employee, please work with your supervisor to adjust your schedule to assist at this event. 

If you have any questions about the guidelines for volunteering at Pacific events, information is available on the Supervisor Resource webpage. Human Resources is happy to address any additional questions and can be reached at: [email protected]. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Maegan Jossy, event staff coordinator.

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